Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

the best pest control

For the health of you, your family and pets that visit your garden and eat the best fight against pests with the help of Mother Nature. In that spirit, here are three ways to rid your garden of unwanted insects naturally or wrong:

First, you can personally hand pick the larvae, eggs and worms.

Third, if you need more immediate results may find this recipe for homemade soap organic insecticide for vegetable garden bugs bad for you. But keep in mind that organic agriculture, ecological soap can also kill beneficial insects, so that when absolutely necessary …

Homemade organic insecticidal soap recipe for the garden: You must …

The following:
Gallon or bottle to mix and store

The following ingredients:
3 tablespoons organic soap (like Dr. Bronner’s Organic Soap is so sure you can brush your teeth with)
2 tablespoons organic (I use organic cold-pressed olive oil)
1 clove of organic garlic
C. 1 Tea. Organic cayenne pepper
1 gallon of water (water users in town, I suggest you use filtered or Mountain Spring)

(FYI: You can use a pitcher liter of purified water, or even buy in most supermarkets and it gives you the container with filtered water or purified water ready for the ingredients above)

Simple steps:

* Fill the container halfway gallon of water.
* Add the above ingredients in gallon container.
* Then, fill a gallon with the rest of the water, put the lid on the safety and shake to mix.
* Pour well-mixed liquid in your spray.
* You can and should the lid on the container gallon and store the remaining mixture to fill the spray bottle as needed. Be sure to store in a cool, dark place up.

Congratulations! You just have your own better and safer for you and your family the natural and organic insecticidal soap at a fraction of the cost of corrosive hazardous chemical insecticides are usually purchased at the store.

As you can see the best pest control for your garden with help from Mother Nature and your personal touch. There are so many more gardening tips for you to read or watch gardening “how to, videos, and free advice on: leather and natural durability

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